Monday, 25 February 2013

Why are you here?

I was having a bit of a tough morning today and I guess I just had a lot on my mind. One of them being that I was rather cross/ disappointed with someone and I started asking myself what purpose do they serve in my life….in an attempt to completely banish them from my life or have a serious confrontation. Then all of a sudden the question was bounced back at me and was phrased kinda like this,

“If you had to justify your existence how would you do it? What purpose are you serving by being alive?”

To be honest I was quite startled and pondered about it for quite some time. I really couldn't think of a solid strong reason of some active change/ difference I am making.  I mean there are the obvious things like 'my family and my friends need me' or 'they will miss me' but that applies to just about everyone. What’s my case? What’s unique about me?

I thought maybe if I was a parent, a mother or a father, being there for my children would be a pretty solid case but I’m not. I’m a 21 year old student living off my parents, depending on the so called friends and family that I would potentially use as my get out of death ticket.

So why am I here?? Why should I be here??

Why are you here? Can you present a good-solid case to have you remain here?

To Be continued……….

Script by
Chido Dziva Chikwari

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

The Big Picture

I figure half the reason why many of us have such a big problem with God is that we don't understand who he is, what he stands for and how he works.
We seem to have this huge misconception of a God who is full of hate and watches as his people suffer but the truth of the matter is are not looking a the BIG Picture. 
As in so many other scenarios we have chosen to take a look at the 'bad' and run with it. We have chosen to blame God for all our suffering and left it at that but the truth of the matter is there really is more to it.... 
God is love and despite what you and I would like to believe he has never promised us a painless life. His word tells us that there will be pain and suffering but it also tells us that his LOVE endures forever and that even though there may be pain rejoicing will come. He promises that at the end of the day he orchestrates all things to work together for our good.
If we could only hold onto those truths and see the picture as it really is, not just one self conceived aspect, our existence will be so much better. Instead of anger, hate and despair all that negativity will permeate to Hope, Love, Joy and Peace. 

Why not believe in better tomorrow??

Written by 
Chido Dziva Chikwari

This piece was inspired by the Jesus Culture song below entitled, "Your Love Never Fails". Woke up this morning and the lyrics kept playing over and over in my head and after listening to it it got me thinking. I do understand that I don't have all the answers and to be honest I probably never will. At each instance I can only hope to get tiny glimpses of the BIG Picture. One of the pieces being that life is more than just us, pain and despair. I choose to be happy and want to try and look for the good in all situations and hopefully that will lead me to have the above: Hope, Love, Joy and Peace at least. I'm a sucker for the happy ending! lol

Much Love!!!! XOXO

Biblical References: 
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Psalm 30:5
For his anger lasts only a moment but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Friendship With God

"MY determined Purpose is that I may know HIM
That I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with him,
Perceiving and Recognizing and Understanding the Wonders of His Person..
more strongly and more clearly."

Friendship with God Is Key

Today my hearts desire is to:
*Get to know him more
*Trust him with all I am
* Obey him at all times
*Meditate on His Word 
*Be Honest and Open with him
*Talk to Him
and to
*Value all he has done, is doing and will do for me.

Ndiri Mwana Washe.

 Post By
Chido Dziva Chikwari

Lord Help Me

Lord Help Me 

In a World where "everyone is doing it",
Lord help me to be in line with what Your Heart Desires.
Strengthen me to be strong in my convictions,
So I do not look left or right BUT
Press on towards the glory you have laid forth before me.
Lord Help Me....
To be sensitive enough to see that which is not on the surface, 
To listen when nothing is being said,
To guard my mouth and 
To act In LOVE always. 

Prayer By
Chido Dziva Chikwari

Okay well for the benefit of those that don't already know I am a Christian. I believe in God and that he sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for you and I. I got saved in 2007, May 27th to be exact, and ya this piece isn't really tied to anything but life in general I guess. I mean so much is going on in the world and you just want to do it right you know?? As a young adult and University student you are faced with so many scenarios and its great to have someone wiser to lead you ( a.k.a God/Jesus/Holy Spirit). Things like alcohol, sex and drugs are readily available and its easy to find yourself being the odd one out when you don't participate so ya... I don't know hey. 

Much Love!

I Am My Greatest Asset

The world can rid me of everything I own,
Everything I have built,
Everything I know and
Everything I have ever invested in...
BUT it cannot take away Who I Am!!

Today I choose to:
Find my identity
Invest in myself
Take care of myself
And most importantly LOVE myself.

Today I make a choice to create and shape a better Chido.
Because ultimately, I am the only person I'm guaranteed to spend the rest of my life with.
This is the importance of Me.

Script By
Chido Dziva Chikwari

I wrote this piece sometime ago, I think just over a year now. And I'm not sure what exactly the inspiration was but I do know that at that time I had just gotten out of a five year relationship that left me rather scarred. I made a lot of mistakes in that relationship and afterwards when he had been 'taken' away from me I realized that I was important. Me alone was actually worth something and that being single was really an opportunity to do me and make my world better for myself. I guess I had a Miss Independent Moment. Hmmmmmm ya....There will definitely be more to come from that phase. ;)

Much Love!!! XOXO