Sunday, 16 July 2017

Ramblings for My Son...

As I sat with you on the veranda this afternoon several things came to mind. There are so many things I want to tell you. You are two and a half years old now and many of these nuggets you probably wont understand so I've decided to pencil this down in the hope that one day you will read...

When you fall, get up.
You were born to rise and rise you shall.
Higher than my or your greatest expectations.

When you tire, keep going.
The strength you have within you is far greater than your aches and pains.

When you hurt, feel.
Never be afraid of your emotions, they are yours.
Own them and understand them. 
Allow yourself to be, to heal.

When you succeed, and I promise you you will;
Make sure to stop,
Stop and give yourself credit.
You deserve it.
Celebrate yourself. 
And then, then is when it is important for you to keep going.
Never Stagnate.

Open yourself up.
Open yourself up to love and to be loved.
Remember to love yourself but also most importantly to love those around you.

Do not forget to give.
Everything you are is because someone else gave.
So be sure to give, generously!
So many before have been generous to you.

When you are afraid, be brave.
Be brave enough to confront your fears.
Do not allow the things you fear to take ownership of you.
Many times you will find those things are not as overbearing as they seem.

Refuse to be silenced.
Stand up and speak about the things that are important to you.
Fight for the things you believe in,
That warrior spirit flows within your blood.

Most importantly remember;
You were born to Live, 
And with each passing day Embrace Life.

Chido Dziva Chikwari

I write for him a lot. I started writing for him before he was born and even then I had so much I wanted to tell him. Sooo soo much and so I wrote. I wrote and wrote and wrote and wrote. Then when he was born I had less time to write and we spoke. I've often been stopped by people in supermarkets who jokingly say to me, "Ndanga ndichitofunga kuti pane mumwe munhu wamurikukurukura naye." ("I actually thought there was someone else you were speaking to") We talk a lot. Or rather I talk to him a lot. We take walks most Sundays now and I talk and talk and talk (i love to talk) and now he's talking too so sometimes he has something to say back to me like "Why" and "Yes" or "No". It's mostly one word responses for now but I'm really looking forward to the day when we will have full blown conversations about life and such.