Thursday, 19 May 2016

Dear Me...

I know you don’t hear this often enough,
And I know you sometimes doubt it,
So today I thought I’d write to you…or is it me?
Just to clarify one or two things...or maybe its three or four.

You are beautiful….
Inside AND Outside.
You are fearfully and WONDERFULLY made by the creator himself,
While you were yet in your mother’s womb he KNEW YOU!
YOU, are not a mistake!
He created you in HIS own IMAGE!
Therefore, there is nothing wrong with you…or is it me?
You are You and that is good enough.
Don’t doubt it, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!

I know you don’t hear this often enough,
And I know you sometimes doubt it,
So today I thought I’d write to you…or is it me?
Just to clarify one or two things…or maybe its three or four.

You Can…
You are able.
Whatever you set your mind to…
Your hopes, your dreams, your CRAZY aspirations….
They are possible!!
Don’t listen to what ‘they’ say.
Those that tell you that you can’t. 
That it is impossible. 
Don’t listen to what ‘they’ say.
Greater is he that is within you than he who is in the world.
YOU are of God!
Don’t doubt it.
Hold on and never lose hope,
Keep your eye on the goal,
And most importantly…
Remember that YOU CAN!!

I know you don’t hear this often enough,
And I know you sometimes doubt it,
So today I thought I’d write to you…or is it me?
Just to clarify one or two things…or maybe it’s three or four.
Dear Me… 

Chido Dziva Chikwari 

Image result for writing
This piece was inspired by a memory :) I love writing letters to myself and it’s a weird thing but I leave them in random places all over my space and every once in a while I stumble upon one. It’s always heart-warming when I do because it always seems like it’s the perfect ‘word’ for that season and if it isn’t they always serve as an amazing reflection tool. I look back on where I was then and how far I have come. I write letters when I am afraid, when I am hurt, when I am happy, when I am in love and when I am plain bored. They serve me well. Similarly my blog has that effect. I look back at the things I have written and more often than I would expect they serve me. Lessons I’ve learnt in the past stay relevant and sometimes past experiences can still teach me. I think this is one of the reasons why I love writing; I love re-reading my past wisdom OR foolishness! 

Anyway, that rant is probably very irrelevant…. 

The moral of this post for me was just to highlight the power and importance of positive self-affirmations. It matters what we believe of ourselves and we need to be purposeful about the things we say to ourselves. It is one thing to receive affirmation from someone else and another for it to beam out from within. You must be purposeful about your self-image! There is power in the things we believe of ourselves. In life we set our own limits, be it consciously or sub-consciously and I really don’t want to be the one responsible for holding myself back. You are as valuable as the worth you place on yourself. If you think you are worthless, it is highly likely that you won’t strive and push for better and most times the world will treat you as such. The words you speak have the power to give life to or destroy your realities. 

Image result for writing a letter dear me
I have often been guilty of negative self-talk and most times it takes a friend to knock some sense into me but today I’d like to challenge you, reader, to write down some positive affirmations for yourself. Make them challenging! Something that you doubt or are unsure of, something that you sometimes forget, something that you hope for. Write it down! Have a piece of DOCUMENTED evidence. Put it away somewhere or if you like stick it up where you can see it every day. I believe it will serve you well one day :) 

Keep shining!!! 

Biblical References 

  • 1 John 4vs4: “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”
  • Jeremiah 1vs5: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
  • Proverbs 18vs21: “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”