Based on the biblical scripture James 1:27 (Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world) what I would like to call silent armies and unsung heroes have risen all around Zimbabwe : ZOE.
ZOE (Greek) = Life (English)
Who are they?
With up to 7000 volunteers nationwide, this is the cornerstone of the ZOE model. To mobilize, empower and equip communities to care for their own.
Once again I've chosen to tell the story of this project visit through imagery. It would take a million words to adequately narrate all that ZOE is doing. Their vision has expanded and evolved over the years and to be honest I was rather overwhelmed on day one. One week was definitely not enough to get a full grasp but Oh well...here Goes......
The Beginning
It was a picturesque Wednesday morning when I had the
privilege of sitting and hearing from this amazing woman, a gift to Zimbabwe
and the founder of ZOE-Zimbabwe Orphans though Extended Hands. Her name is Jean
Webster and as we sat in her garden she narrated to me the story of how as a young
woman; soon after completing her nursing degree in the UK, she moved to Zimbabwe
(1976). Our conversation lasted up to 2 hours and I wish I could have recorded it all so I could share with you the emotion in her voice and the sound of a heart with genuine love for the all the children. She openly shared of her struggles and experiences up to where ZOE was born and is now.
You can read her story-in her own words here : http://www.loveglobal.com/project.aspx?asset=826
The Model
The Work
Over the past 20 years ZOE projects have evolved to deal with the pertinent and eminent needs in society that go above and beyond 'being there'. Their work now includes the following projects:
Envisioning Churches,
Psychosocial Support, Live Stock Development, HIV and AIDS awareness, Conservation farming, Urban and Rural Livelihoods, Advocacy and Education, Infant Formula milk
To read more about these projects individually you can visit the ZOE blog at www.zoezim.blogspot.com , however, below I will outline the projects I saw in action.....
Phychosocial Support
What is phychosocial support?? It is an approach to victims of disaster, catastrophe or violence to foster resilience of communities and individuals. It aims at easing resumption of normal life, facilitate affected people participation to their convalescence and preventing pathological consequences of potentially traumatic situations. The ZOE approach : above and beyond home visits through volunteers ZOE works to assist it's family through support groups. Pictured above is a kids club we visited in rural Masvingo where the children come together and do activities such as drama, music and sports. This serves as a much needed outlet for the kids who thoroughly enjoy it.
( a.k.a The Goats, The Rabbits and The Chickens) (a.k.a my personal favorite) |
This is Mai Marufu and Gogo Machagada. They are part of the Farming God's way project in Zaka. Through this initiative a very new model of farming chibage (maize) called 'makomba' is implemented. In the past four years they have seen improved yields in this area and farmers that are not part of the ZOE project have also been coping this method after seeing the results. The Future
The fruits of the work ZOE is doing have blossomed all around Zimbabwe. The beneficiaries have been empowered in so many ways and it is their hope as well as that of ZOE that these good works continue. One obvious and apparent challenge is that of funding. Out in the field when you speak to people you hear stories such as these:
Funding is one of the key issues here and during my project visit I was able to help ZOE enter for The Gateway Challenge. This will help them get onto Global Giving UK where they can access training support and fund raise through individual donors in the UK. The challenge lasts 30 days during which ZOE will have to raise £2000 from 50 unique donors.
I was also able to help them set up a blog and this will help boost their online presence as well as facilitate links with people all over the world. You can access their blog at www.zoezim.blogspot.com. Please note this is still a work in progress :)
Thank you to ZOE for an AWESOME week and most importantly for the work you are doing in Zimbabwe. I wish them all the best for the future.
Chido Dziva Chikwari
ZOE faces |
P.S. This trip was made possible through Global Giving UK as part of their Overseas Evaluation Program. If you would like to donate to ZOE they are currently on Global Giving through a partner of theirs The American Foundation for Children with AIDS.
To Donate follow this link: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/food-for-400-orphan-families/
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