Thus far....
Soo one critical lesson I can tell you about 'work' (well my first three months of work) is reality of a serious 'lack of Time'. This is my first grown up job experience and from day 1 I was very quickly brought up to speed with the fact that I have less hours during the day to spend on Me, less hours during the day to Read, to Sleep, to hang out with my mom, my friends and to actually invest in other things!!!! :/
I must say although I haven't written much about it this has been an eye opening experience deserving of an entire book really. Eye opening in soo many ways; I have seen death, suicide attempts, flus, coughs, colds, cuts, labour, phsychosis, fungal infections, diarrhoeal accidents and a whole hoard of bizarre ailments. So ya these are some of the tweets avec my personal life lessons [I believe there is a lesson to be learnt from all of life's experiences and part of my blogs primary focus is to share, learn and inspire so yes Lessons].
P.S I pray I will have more Time (or find a way to create more time...time management blah blah blah) to blog about many more of my experiences and other things in depth , I miss my blog, I love my blog :( ENJOY!!!
Tweet #1
"Day1 paClinic taught me a lot about HIV/AIDS with one critical thing being the changing face of HIV perceptions and stigmatization."
Tweet #2
"Interesting Times Ahead #i'mlearning"
Tweet #3
"Life is generally monotonous....we rarely change our usual routines."
This was clearly a dull day! hahaha. I absolutely love my job by the way but yes, after about 2 days at work (I kid you not, this was like day 3) it dawned on me that if i'm to be at this for the next 2 years, waking up Monday to Friday to deal with Pediatric HIV things are bound to get really monotonous! I guess that's what life is generally like, however, how I've sort of come to terms with this is acknowledging that i'm actually doing something I really enjoy...I meet different people everyday, I talk for a living, I work with kids and at the very root of it all I like to believe that I'm saving lives [I'm a modern day hero] so monotonous yes but not in an Oh My Gosh it's going to kill me type way. The key lesson I learnt here was that although life can actually be extremely mundane and routine always strive to look at the bright side of things, find something that keeps you running...and I suppose what makes the routine even more bearable for me is the fact that I'm doing what I keeps me going. Do what you love and seek for the may be all you need to add flavor to it all.
Tweet #4
As my father always says, " Just do the right thing!"
Basically I have no supervisor on sight and the temptation to do 'the wrong thing' can creep up on you. What I realized though was that I wake up every day to go to work so that's what i'm going to do work. No cutting honesty will serve me good one day.
Tweet #5
"The value of my rest and alone time has increased significantly.... (sigh)"
Tweet #6
"Finally wrote about my Job Hunt Experience : Here it is in the form of "10 pointers from my Experience" "
So in the midst of it all I found time to blog about actually looking for a job. This is probably one of the most helpful posts I've written (in my opinion) and I recommend it to anyone currently on the hunt. Look at me recommending myself :D. What I got from this is despite complaining about never having any time I MADE TIME for this blog post and it turned out to be a pretty helpful ones soooo when it matters MAKE TIME!!!!
Tweet #7
"My locks are losing their hairginity today! Yikeeeees!!!!! :/"
Less time to sit and do my own of the hugest compromises I have ever had to make but I guess its also one of the things that comes with the turf. Lesson : Sometimes you've got to give up some doing your own hair. zvakaoma!
Tweet #8
Yes, that Monday thing is real. I think there is a biological way of explaining it. Mondays aren't the best of days.
Tweet #9
"Reading about HIV testing and counseling after having shadowed on the job and realizing practical learning is so much more effective!"
Tweet #10
"Not doing what you need to do on time will always catch up with you!! Just do It!!!"
Tweet #11
Yeah the general outlook from an external point of view is that HIV is this big bad monster that we need to hunt down and kill, right? But when it comes to treatment and care the approach is very different. Although people are encouraged to get tested and get on treatment, HIV is not an emergency. If a person comes to the clinic and wants to get tested it is NOT an Emergency. HIV doesn't kill anyone, its a whole host of opportunistic infections that does so we deal with that first then work with the HIV issue. At first I really didn't get this but it makes a lot of sense and works hand in hand with people having to go through counselling and ensuring treatment adherence. Once again #i'mlearning.
Tweet #12
"Automatically a "mbuya" because ndoshanda paclinic!!! Hahaha inga kukura hakutane! LOL"
Yes so now i'm used to 'mbuya status' although I'm the youngest employee at all the clinics I've been stationed at so far. I guess some things come with the turf.
Tweet #13
"Just seen a kid with a real LIVE fat breathing WORM in their foot!!!!! Amaiweeeeee... #clinicexperiences"
I have had many nasty and bizarre experiences including one incidence where a woman came with a needle in her wrist. How it got there, I don't know but this is just the tip of the ice berg. Weird things happen in this world...the stuff you read about or see on TV but never really come face to face with. I guess it's the spice of life :D
Tweet #14
"Just received news that the first ever child I recruited at work two months ago passed away this holiday...she was 11. Feeling more determined about going back to the clinic on Monday. This is the harsh reality of HIV/AIDS."
Tweet #15
"Interesting discovery of the day : Condoms distributed (in bulk) at Primary Health Care Centers in Zimbabwe are 'made in Korea'."
Some stuff not so important but interesting all the same. This was one of my 'who knew' moments...I have these often.
Tweet #16
"I may be at the bottom of the food chain but my role is just as significant."
Right now I really am at the bottom of the food chain but like I said my role is just as significant. It doesn't decrease my worth and the role I play is very critical on top of this being awesome experience. What I learnt from this is although I'm at the bottom now, this is my incubation period. I will work hard and do my best here (right at the bottom) and push till I get to the top. Some personal motivation :)
I hope you managed to get something out of my rantings.
Chido Dziva Chikwari
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