Thursday, 30 November 2017

Morning Jewels

“Each New Day is another Opportunity to Wear a Great Pair of Earrings”
Chido Dziva Chikwari

I love earrings, I literally collect them everywhere I go. I love their colours and how they can make any ordinary outfit pop. I love the way they can take different shapes and sizes and how sometimes I can actually wear a pair that matches my mood. Earrings are my thing; however, I am not a fashion blogger so you must be thinking, “What is this about?”

Well, this post is about getting out of bed in the morning and can be summed up in one question, “What makes you excited to see each new day?”

For me one of the things is that every day I get to decide which pair or earrings to wear. I also love my work and I see the purpose behind my 9-5. My sons’ amazing smile and warm hugs are another big motivator; seeing him is something I look forward to (although on most days he is up before I am). Different things help me get out of bed each morning and I think the sum total of them cumulate to why I love my life. This is not to say that everything is perfect in my world. A lot of things aren’t but each morning before I get out of bed I pick one good thing to “help me” out of bed and over the years I have seen how much of a positive difference that can make.

I cannot reiterate the importance of finding purpose and staying motivated – even in and for the seemingly small things (like earrings). Sometimes that one small thing can be the difference between finding yourself in a rut all day or having something to smile about. It doesn’t have to be that you have everything in your life in order; you just have to have something to look forward to. Find the things that set your heart on fire!

Keep Shining  

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