Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Motherhood: 25 Random Things I’ve Learnt (so far)

Being a mom has been the most fulfilling experience of my life (so far). People have their own unique experiences and I’m told a mother’s experience with each of her own children can also be worlds apart. I really don’t think there is a codebook, however, these are 25 little nuggets I’ve picked up in my first 34 months as a mom to the most amazing little boy in the whole wide world!
  1. You know Nothing and Everything at the same time [see lesson #14]
  2. You Love your child Unconditionally: it doesn’t matter what, you Love with your whole heart.
  3. Sleep is scarce and to be greatly appreciated when the opportunity arises.  
  4. When they start walking it can be very scary. They fall over a lot.  
  5. When they start talking it can be very exhausting: “Why Mhama? When Mhama? Where Mhamha? Who Mhamha? How Mhama?”
  6. Alone time is rare. Very rare. It must also to be treasured. 
  7. You must remember to remember yourself. Your child can literally take over your life.  [see #6 above] 
  8. Your little person has the power to melt your heart and make nothing else matter. They can also use this power to manipulate you as they get older, “Please Mhamha?”
  9. Always come home armed with Kinder Joy (just in case)
  10. Your child is not stupid (the 1 and 2-year-old version – very smart!)
  11. Everything your child does is an act of communication - listen carefully.
  12. They grow SOOOOO FAST! Treasure each moment and also buy clothes a size or two bigger.
  13. No day is ever the same as the last but establishing routines is important.
  14. There is no formula, no manual, no code book. Trust your instincts [also see lesson #1 above]
  15. Do not be afraid to ask for help. You will need it. [see lesson #24 below]
  16. Quality time with your child is important, you are the world to your little prince/princess.  
  17. Plan ahead e.g. always take a change of clothes when you leave the house, accidents happen.
  18. Children are really expensive [see #9 above].
  19. A child takes up a lot of luggage space when traveling.
  20. It’s really difficult to shop alone with a sleeping baby. 
  21. Parenting is easy - said no one ever! It’s really hard work.
  22. Visits to the emergency room will happen. If you can, get medical aid and always have paracetamol at hand.
  23. You may feel like it sometimes but you are not a bad parent.
  24. It does take a village to raise a child. You will never be with your child 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The people around you and your child matter a lot! [also see lesson #15]
  25. You pray for your child(ren) more than you do yourself.

Chido Dziva Chikwari


  1. Now you understand number 12 more. lol

    You packed it all and so far you great


  2. Thank you Rhoda.

    I'm starting to understand my mothers (plural) craziness the hard way.

    Thank you for reading :)
