I thank my father for the gift of books.
On each trip he made he brought ‘us’ back one.
For us he would say.
And we would each read in turn.
Like artwork they decorate the walls in my room.
The words on all their pages stay with me.
Painted all over my mind and heart.
I have travelled through them.
My world experiences stretched and opened by skimming their pages.
Thank you, father, for the gift of books.
Chido Dziva Chikwari
I often feel somewhat lonely when I get to the end of a book and soon after I start searching through my small library (that is full of books I am yet to read unfortunately/fortunately) for my next fix. My favourite places to visit are the homes of people who read, and I always find myself gravitating towards their bookshelves. My close friends question me sternly before I leave their homes about whether or not I’ve snitched one from their houses.
I also can’t wait till my son starts reading, I hope he loves books too. I think he already does because every night before we go to bed he begs me to tell him
I believe that reading opens you up to more and a quote I read recently by George Martins sums this up quite well, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” Like the post says I do think I owe this passion to my dad who insistently brings us back books every time he travels. Often these aren’t the novel types that I enjoy but also books full of quotes and books about leadership and management as if he knew all along that these were things I would need one day. I can’t remember when the love affair started but I know it hasn’t always been the case and sometimes I do fall in and out of my reading spells.
Anyway the moral of this post, which probably isn’t best suited for you, is this; Read. Read far and wide then continue to read. You will thank me later.
I'd also like to use this post to make a special shout out to a young lady, Miss A. Sibanda, who surprised me a few weeks ago with all the books on my current wish list!! You are a gem. I am grateful for your energy, your determined spirit, your laugh and the inspiration you are to everyone around you. I love you!
Keep shining!
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