Thursday, 23 August 2018

Note to Self: Be You!

Dear Self, 

Do not be afraid to be you! 
A very bold and strong fist statement I know, 
But I am afraid this may be the only way to get through to you. 

I see you hold your breath mid-sentence, mid-thought, mid-motion, 
Just so you can pull yourself back, 
Back into the confines of what seems normal and acceptable. 
I see you alter your words, your wardrobe, your life choices,
Just so you can fit in, 
Fit into the seemingly neat restrictions of the worlds ill placed expectations and presumptions. 

Please stop? 

Do not be afraid you be you! 
Who am I, you ask?
You are whoever you want to be. 
Your random thoughts, your crazy desires, your unexpected dreams, 
Your ginormous hopes and your treacherous fears… You! 
Own it. 

Do not pull yourself back to fit into what they say. 
Do not change yourself to suit what they want. 
Be you.
Carry yourself boldly, fearlessly, unapologetically.  
And remember always YOU ARE MAGIC. 
It needs no explanation, it just is. 

Love always, 
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

There is a famous quote by Marianne Williamson that goes, “It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” It is taken from a piece that starts off with noting that “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” I think these powerful words ring true in so many ways and one of the things that have come to my mind repeatedly over the last month is how for so long I have been extremely apologetic about myself and my life choices. Some of them being things I have carefully thought through and decisions I have consciously made but would shy away from sharing because they do not fit into the confines of what society deems as acceptable. As a result, I have never publicly taken ownership of them. 

I have also been thinking a lot lately about how there are things I really want to do but have never done because of what I think or believe other people with say about me. I am often conscious about the things I say in public, on this blog and on my social media because of how I think it will be perceived. I change the clothes what I wear sometimes, not because of how they make me feel but because of the impression they may have on the people around me. This is not me saying there is anything wrong with these thoughts and displaying the described attributes, in fact, I think it is all part of having a high emotional intelligence which for the most part is good HOWEVER… Despite having lost all my self confidence some years ago and slowly reclaiming it back I have always thought of myself as a fearless and unapologetic person. I realise now that I may not be because of constant conscious and subconscious moderation. Am I doing myself and everyone around me a favour by censoring my true self? Who wins when I decide not to do something I want to do because of an outside influence?

One of the first choices I decided to take ownership of when this dawned on me was the fact that it has been almost two years since I alone last went to church. I am unapologetic about that because it was a conscious decision I made over a year ago but because of society could never bring myself to SAY I don't go to church. Perhaps I will leave this for a blog post on another day. 

I ramble a lot and that is also one of the parts of me that I fight to supress daily, but in conclusion I  hope I have shared something worth thinking about: 
-      * Wear that velvet top and those green shoes if you want to
-      * Cut your hair short if you want to 
-      * Be picky about who you engage with OR engage with everyone if you want to

If you want to do something and decide not to do it at least be aware of the reasons why you have chosen to be other than yourself. Most importantly remember that you are magic, it needs no explanation, it just is!

Keep Shining

Chido Dziva Chikwari 


  1. Hi Chido you aunt who is a friend shared your blogs with me a I absolutely love them. This is particular renonated so much with what I pften feel and the battes I have been waging within myself to get to that place where I am ok with doing me. I win some if the time and when i fail I am also learning to accept this and move on. I love the Marianne Williamson poem that you quote and it so resonates with what as women we often feel in bith our personal and professional lives. It further says and I paraphrase ‘by shining we give others the permission to shine too’. Go do you baby girl and thank you for the reminder that it is ok to be just me.

  2. Hello,

    Thank you so much for reading and for sharing this with me. I really appreciate it and you have no idea how encouraging it is to recieve feedback like this. Sometimes I write and I not sure if it’s worth sharing or feel like “maybe it’s just me” who feels like this/goes through this.

    We are all works in progress but if we keep at it each day we will be inches closer to the goal.

    Thank you.

    Keep Shining! 😊
