Being a mom has been the
most fulfilling experience of my life (so far). People have their own unique experiences
and I’m told a mother’s experience with each of her own children can also be
worlds apart. I really don’t think there is a codebook, however, these are 25
little nuggets I’ve picked up in my first 34 months as a mom to the most
amazing little boy in the whole wide world!
- You know Nothing and Everything at the same time [see lesson #14]
- You Love your child Unconditionally: it doesn’t matter what, you Love with your whole heart.
- Sleep is scarce and to be greatly appreciated when the opportunity arises.
- When they start walking it can be very scary. They fall over a lot.
- When they start talking it can be very exhausting: “Why Mhama? When Mhama? Where Mhamha? Who Mhamha? How Mhama?”
- Alone time is rare. Very rare. It must also to be treasured.
- You must remember to remember yourself. Your child can literally take over your life. [see #6 above]
- Your little person has the power to melt your heart and make nothing else matter. They can also use this power to manipulate you as they get older, “Please Mhamha?”
- Always come home armed with Kinder Joy (just in case)
- Your child is not stupid (the 1 and 2-year-old version – very smart!)
- Everything your child does is an act of communication - listen carefully.
- They grow SOOOOO FAST! Treasure each moment and also buy clothes a size or two bigger.
- No day is ever the same as the last but establishing routines is important.
- There is no formula, no manual, no code book. Trust your instincts [also see lesson #1 above]
- Do not be afraid to ask for help. You will need it. [see lesson #24 below]
- Quality time with your child is important, you are the world to your little prince/princess.
- Plan ahead e.g. always take a change of clothes when you leave the house, accidents happen.
- Children are really expensive [see #9 above].
- A child takes up a lot of luggage space when traveling.
- It’s really difficult to shop alone with a sleeping baby.
- Parenting is easy - said no one ever! It’s really hard work.
- Visits to the emergency room will happen. If you can, get medical aid and always have paracetamol at hand.
- You may feel like it sometimes but you are not a bad parent.
- It does take a village to raise a child. You will never be with your child 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The people around you and your child matter a lot! [also see lesson #15]
- You pray for your child(ren) more than you do yourself.
Chido Dziva Chikwari