Saturday 28 April 2018

Time and Us

We gazed up at the stars,
Your chin rested on my head,
Your arms around me,
Filling a part of my heart, that had long since grown cold, with warmth,
You and I.

We sat together on the couch,
My head on your lap,
Watching friends,
Our laughter filled the room,
You and I.

I opened my eyes this morning,
And there you were,
A smile plastered on your face,
A calmness filled the room,
You and I.

Chido Dziva Chikwari

Isn’t it amazing how the value of a moment can increase so exponentially with time? Over the last year and a half I’ve learnt so much about the value of time. Time happens to us all. It is one thing we are all given equally each day and how you choose to spend it is often telling of the value you place on things.  This post is a consequence of time spent. It’s the cumulation of time given to a new relationship. Time to grow itself, time to show itself and time to define itself. There may be more posts to follow, time will tell...

“How did it get so late so soon? It's night before it's afternoon. December is here before it's June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?”
Dr. Seuss